Saturday, January 24, 2009
I have moved!!
My new blog is here: So come see me there!!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Day 2...
Today my mission was to clean the house. Well...I started on my oldest sons room. I rearranged it for him and ended up hauling out a 13gallon garbage bag full of paper! He's a paper collector!! I guess he comes by that naturally eh?? But seriously it was nuts. Then I got rid of another garbage bag of toys he hasn't played with in years. Of course he PROMISES to keep his room clean. We shall see.
SO some exciting news!! Finally get to reveal the Scrap Pack Retreat!! We are SOOOO excited to be offering this....because the Izaak Walton Inn is AMAZING and the time that I went (which I paid $250 for) it was awesome. They are so friendly..the accomodations are breathtaking and it was so nice and relaxing. So if you are can check it out HERE. Right on the front page. :) Cool huh. :)
Don't forget about the Design Team call. :) Loving everyone's entries and this is going to be a TOUGH decision. UGH.
Okay...we are actually going out tonight...we were invited to go get the best pizza in how could we pass that up right?? Have a fantastic night ya'll!!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009 I can tell ya...
As you know..I posted the Design Team search on pubcalls. Very cool.....just getting the word out to a bigger variety and basically..well...more people. I KNOW that my blog is just amazing and you all come here every single day to look for my words of wisdom...but believe it or not..not everyone knows I exist! I know..crazy huh?? :) So I'm hoping that people like what they are seeing and it inspires them to submit for my design team. :) OH and to let you know...I'm replying with a VERY generic message...just so you know that I received your entry. Nothing is worse than sending something in and hearing NOTHING until the day of the reveal. So frustrating. So I just sent a little thanks for your submission note. Just so you would know. :)
Going to upload some of my new tickets to the shop tomorrow...going to do a lot now that I'm officially unemployed! HAA!! Hey..if ya'll have any ideas on what to do with all this free time I'm going to have...please do share!!
Have a stellar night!!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Design Team Modification....
I am just posting the little ditty again about the Design Team call...because...I want to extend the deadline....due to..errr...lots of stuff. :)
So here is the information again...please note the new submission deadline. Thanks again and can't wait to see those entries!!
How to apply:
It's easy...just send me a layout that showcases how you use journaling spots (since that's my main thing!!). Please send your layout to by February 1st. Layout does not have to be new or never before seen and does NOT have to include items from My Creative Mess..just a great representation of what you do with journaling spots!! With your email please include your full name, address and link to your online gallery and blog (if you have one). DT call is open to US residents only this time but every month there will be a guest designer and that is open to international designers as well!! The 2 new designers as well as guest designer will be announced no later than February 5th.
I ask that you complete 1 to 2 layouts/projects/cards using goodies from my shop and of course promote them wherever possible. Your projects will be displayed on my blog and photo album as well as used in the product description for the shop listing. You will, of course, be given full credit for your work. You can combine your project for me with any other DT commitment you have...or that is posted someplace else. I would like to ask that you are not designing for any other etsy scrapbooking shop while your term with My Creative Mess is active.
Design team commitment is for 6 months and during that time you will be given a new packet of goodies every month in which to create with. You will also receive free shipping on anything you purchase from the shop during your term. Because I'm just one little person and this is all trial and error, I will try to send you extras periodically as I do want to reimburse you fairly for your time and creativity.
If you have ANY questions please don't hesitate to ask. :) thanks SO much for your interest and I'm really excited for this new venture!!
**this call will be posted at Pub Calls as well!!**
Sooooo nervous...
Other than about a lazy day. Didn't do much except laundry...some grocery shopping and well...that's about it!! :) I was trying to work on my Random Chaos layout but found that I just don't have what it calls for. :( Bummer eh?? So I think I have to skip this week which really stinks!! I am though, working on a sketch from the CMK site. I like their scrappy formulas that they post every Friday. Very cool I've never finished one but I just like that they are there!! tee hee
Hmmm...let's see..what else? Nothing. Literally. SOOOOO...will sign off for tonight...will be back tomorrow to share some more of what I'm talking about up above...and the color makes me happy. :)
Saturday, January 17, 2009
I should know...
Congrats to: Leigh and Amy Coose. Please email me, with your address so I can get your goodies in the mail!!
So I'm busy cutting..and uploading stuff to the shop. Including some of my new valentine jotters!! I'm making some valentine bitties as well and hope to have everything up and loaded by tomorrow.
Also have some major life changing news to share with you all...but can't yet until this next week. It's going to be insane as it's something I have never had the luxury of doing/being and I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do. *sigh* I know...kinda cryptic isn't it?? lol
Need to work on my Random Chaos layout today and it is a total challenge. And I'm patiently waiting for my February Sweet Pea Scraps kit to show up!! I think it was mailed today so I should have it on Tuesday (no mail Monday right??). And I'm cleaning my kids' rooms today...without their permission. Everything that I have not seen them playing with in the last few months is out the door. I just don't want to have to pack and move all this crap when the time comes!!
Don't forget about the Design Team call for my shop....deadline is the 25th!
Friday, January 16, 2009
I admit that I'll miss this...a little
when we move that is. (which I still don't know when...I'm just thinking that I know I might..just a little). Don't get me wrong..I cannot WAIT to get back to the flatland. But this is the view out my front door. I stood on my driveway and took this picture tonight...the sun was just setting and the mountains were glowing. Just a hint of fog. It was breathtaking. So there ya go Missy...there are our 'hills'. :)
I WILL get the drawing winner drawn soon. I'm busy uploading new goodies into the shop. :) Stay tuned....
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Last chance!!

to get your name in the hat for the giveaway. I'll be drawing just leave a comment and you'll be entered. Don't forget about the DT search I'm the post below for more information.
Leaving ya'll with a layout from the lovely Vivian. :) She used one of the Christmas jotters. Have a stellar hump day and I'll announce the winner tonight!!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Happy Monday!!

Well today was my post op appointment for my shoulder. It went well...I got some new exercises to do. It's still sore but least I don't have that constant nagging pain 24/7.
Stopped by the scrapbook store in Polson. She has a really nice store there....lots of product and at retail prices which is always a bonus. :) I picked up some Tim Holtz papers that she had on clearance for a dime/sheet. A DIME. I'm not even kidding. Not sure what I'm going to do with 'em but for a dime I couldn't pass 'em up!!
Random Chaos is back up and running again!! Woohoo!! Our challenge this week was to use a bird on our layout. My layout is using a Got Sketch sketch. So fun to get back into the swing of things. I urge you all to check out the layouts the girls about some major talent over there. OMG...the layouts are amazing!!! Oh and speaking of challenges...I posted the challenge last night at the Sweet Pea Vine. Help a girl out wouldja and play along?? And just COULD win!! The prizes they give out are amazing. The winner for the December challenges received THIRTY sheets of American Crafts paper. I'm not even joking!! So go check it out!!
Oh I'm so excited that I have a funny Mathew story to share!! :) Shawn just told me this but it happened at Christmastime when we were at my folks. My mom has a bowflex. Shawn was tucking Mathew into bed and Mathew worked out on grama's bowflex..check out my abs. (as he pulls up his shirt and flexs his little skinny body). Then he tells my have abs too..they are just under your fat. bahahahaahahahaha Now THAT is funny!! :)
Don't forget that the giveaway goes until Wednesday and the DT call information is below. Have a stellar night!!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
My Creative Mess Design Team Call!!
How to apply:
It's easy...just send me a layout that showcases how you use journaling spots (since that's my main thing!!). Please send your layout to by January 25th. Layout does not have to be new or never before seen..just a great representation of what you do with journaling spots!! With your email please include your full name, address and link to your online gallery and blog (if you have one). DT call is open to US residents only this time...due to shipping costs. Design Team will be announced by January 31st with first assignment(s) due in February.
I ask that you complete 1 to 2 layouts/projects/cards using goodies from my shop and of course promote them wherever possible. Your projects will be displayed on my blog and photo album as well as used in the product description for the shop listing. You will, of course, be given full credit for your work. You can combine your project for me with any other DT commitment you have...or that is posted someplace else. I would like to ask that you are not designing for any other etsy scrapbooking shop while your term with My Creative Mess is active.
Design team commitment is for 6 months and during that time you will be given a new packet of goodies every month in which to create with. You will also receive free shipping on anything you purchase from the shop during your term. Because I'm just one little person and this is all trial and error, I will try to send you extras periodically as I do want to reimburse you fairly for your time and creativity.
If you have ANY questions please don't hesitate to ask. :) thanks SO much for your interest and I'm really excited for this new venture!!
**I want to edit to add...that every month I will have one guest designer...THIS spot is open to international applicants. :) I'll have more later on but if you would like to apply for the Feb. Guest Designer and are outside the US then please just put Guest Designer in the subject line! Thanks so much!!***
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Random thought...
And your input DOES count for the giveaway!! lol
Oh my heck...

.... stay true to who you are, your work and your techniques
.... never forget where you came from and where you once started out in the beginning
.... appreciate those that you inspire and continue to be positive with them and for them
.... never let your head get bigger than a bowling ball because the shit is not cute
.... take the time to reach out to more than just the big names but to those that you CAN relate too
.... never let this industry make you feel you are not good enough just because someone shredded their paper versus keeping the lines straight
.... never over work yourself, lose the fun in it, stop scrapping for you..go for things you believe in.
....never apologize for wanting to be on a Design Team, wanting to be published.
....never let it get you down or stop you after someone tells you something similiar to what was said to me "your style is just not what folks are looking for, but you ROCK non-the-less, I just doubt I ever see you in Creating Keepsakes and Memory Makers, because well .. you are just not commercial" .. WOW! I know right .. but dont worry I laughed at the non-sense and pressed on with my day ..
....but this is what you should do ..
LAUGH, CREATE AND SHARE .. because it is all about what makes you happy in the end.
I feel I need to tell people that she wrote this post days BEFORE the Create My Keepsakes DT was she didn't write her post because she was bitter about not being picked. I just chose to use her eloquent post because it seems so many of us forget WHY we scrap...we get discouraged because we don't get pubbed or make a DT (which honestly I'm not upset that I didnt' make the CMK DT...I have a pretty full plate and the talent I was up against was HUGE!!). Simply put...I thought her post rocked and I wanted to share. That's all. :) my soapbox now. And for the OH MY HECK is the picture of the giveaway!! Can you believe I ACTUALLY got it done tonight?? Wow..I know..I'm pretty danged amazed with it myself. :) So just leave a comment and you'll get an entry...or any purchase will get you an entry. I know there are lots of calendar tickets...but that's just my thing. :) I did create some NEW calendar tickets...see the picture above.
Have a stellar night ya'll and TGIF!! Woohooo!!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Happy Hump Day!!!
HA! So tonight when I picked the boys up I noticed that they had gum...I squinted my eyes and asked..where did YOU get gum?? Mathew piped up that Josie gave them a piece...and without missing a beat Auston says...and it has long lasting flavor. ba da bing. :)
So I loaded up a few new goodies in the shop this morning...I'm really happy with the new look I have given my 'old' raffle tickets. They are a bit bigger but I just think they are a better design. SOOOO....I'm thinking I will put together a little prize packet using some of the older stuff and have a giveaway!! Sound good? So for every comment you leave from now until...umm..let's say next will get an entry..and for every item purchased from the shop you will get an entry. I'll post a picture tomorrow. (yeah..but you all know'll be more like Friday I'm sure!!). I'm going to be posting some more tomorrow be sure to check back. So here are my Valentine Raffle tickets...I just love 'em. :)
And I didn't make the CMK DT...although to be totally truthful I wasn't expecting to. But their application process was a blast and I had so much fun with it!! I just have gotten into kitting stuff up anyway so it just worked for got 3 layouts done so I certainly cannot complain!! You NEED to read this post though...what an AWESOME advice...LOVE IT!! And yes...I still have 2 layouts to scan and post from Saturday!! UGH. Thank goodness Random Chaos is back...or else I wouldn't feel the need to scrap!!
I SERIOUSLY need to clean and organize my scrap space. I feel like it's all run amuck and it's buggin' the heck out of me. I need to simplify AGAIN. It's all the stuff I collect to make other stuff that gets in my way. ANYWAY.
Have a great Thursday ya'll and dont' forget to comment. I'm REALLY going to try to post a picture of the prize tomorrow. And don't forget about my Resolution Challenge!!
Monday, January 5, 2009
So anyway. I have a couple more Auston stories to share and I need to write them down before I forget because...stinkin' funny stuff right here. :)
So Saturday night when we FINALLY saw the train arrive...we were standing outside. It was a nice brisk 15 below zero...friggin' cold is what it was. The train is pulling up and we are moving like a herd of cows. I hear Auston start screaming at the top of his lungs. I look over and he has these huge crocodile tears rolling down his face and is STILL screaming. I said...bean..what's wrong?? He just screams...I'm thorry, I'm thorry. I look behind him and notice that on the metal rail there is a small round spot that is nice and of frost. *sigh* Yes..he did it AGAIN. Twice in 3 days. I said...Auston..did you stick your tongue to the metal again?? He just screamed back...I'm thorry I'm hurths it hurths. I'm really hoping that he won't do it again. A couple days later I notice that he's picking his tongue and it is just coated in little white blisters. Poor guy. I guess he must have thought it was a fluke the first time around!!
My mom bakes...a lot. Well Auston was her little helper...he stayed in the kitchen with grama and just baked up a storm. One recipe called for mini marshmallows so those were out on the counter. Auston looked at them and then told my know grama, when we go to grama Christie's house we get to roast the BIG marshmallows. My mom nodded and said..well that's nice. She said he got very serious and asked...grama, can't you afford the big marshmallows??? bahahahaahahaha I was rolling when she told me...but once she got back into the kitchen I heard Auston weren't sposed to TELL my mom!! That boy cracks me up.
So ya'll must be wondering why I only tell you stories about Auston. Well...I'll tell you a story about Mathew. Yesterday he was mad about something or another and screamed at me...I just HATE this's the worst ever and I wish I was never in it. *sigh* Does that answer any questions? He's 8. What am I going to do when he's a teenager? He is SO full of anger. I tried to explain his attitude to my mom and she finally figured it out when we spent the Christmas break with her. He just doesn't let me LOVE him. I can't hug or kiss him...I can't joke with him. He wants absolutely nothing to do with me. It's a horrible feeling and I really don't know what to do to make it better. I feel guilty...because I always feel like I'm hugging Auston and playing with him..but he LET'S me...Mathew just shuts me out. Any ideas? Suggestions?? *sigh*
I have some new ideas for the shop...just gotta get them created. And I have some bitties still sitting here that I have yet to photograph and list. I'm a lazy bum. Plain and simple.
Oh..we did get some semi good news today. Although I really am still crabby. :) Shawn will more than likely be hired on with the rigs in February!! Woohooo!! I'm not holding my breath because we are so unlucky...but I would love to hope that this will work out for us. That means that probably March ish we will be moving we'll have to stay here probably a good month while he's working just so we can catch up. The problem is now..there is no place to live in that town. And I'm not even joking.
Okay..I've rambled a lot huh? Have a great night and I will chat tomorrow. I have a couple layouts to post too. And I'm STILL crabby. :)
Friday, January 2, 2009
Holy Snow!
So I just found this...and the UofM Griz cheerleaders are in the final 2 for Paula Abdul's cheerleading bowl. Here's a little snippet if you want to watch...Here. I went to the University of Montana and have never been a Griz fan..well football anyway as I hate football. (they lost the championship this year too...but they always seem to make it so that's cool). But to see that the cheerleaders are in the final two..that's awesome. It's great to see Montana seems that we are always forgotten about...or people still think we're nothing but a bunch of cowboys and indians! ;) for my New Years challenge. :) Those of you who know me know that I put this challenge up EVERY YEAR!! So why stop now?? My challenge for you is to create a layout describing your goals for the New Year. I pulled out my goals layout from 2008 and I see that I only accomplished one of them (my weight loss). So hopefully I can accomplish my goals this year!! Make sure to post a link in the comment section. You have the whole month of January to get it done. :) I will send a rak to the winner (randomly drawn). And I'll post my layout soon!! Happy New Year!!