Saturday, October 4, 2008

So I'm a little late...

but what else is new? I'm sure everyone that ever reads my blog realizes that I am a procrastinator...and perpetually late. (did I spell that right? :) ) BUT...I didn't forget...about the drawing. AND...I keep forgetting that I need to have TWO winners because one boy just can't pick without the other one wanting too!!

SOOOO...each winner gets 5 of the spooky blossom ittie bitties (and I'll throw in a couple other goodies since ya got jipped!!). And the winners are.....

Jenny in Indiana
Marie Levite

Congrats girls...I'll get your goodies out to you on Monday!!

I have about 1/2 dozen things to list in the shop...trying to accomplish tonight..but don't hold your that first paragraph if you need a reminder. tee hee


Unknown said...

WooHoo!! I'm a winner!! That never happens. Thanks Jenn.

Jenny B in Indy said...

WHOO HOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I am so estatic! I never win anything, either. Cool beans! Love your stuff!!!